The Femmes de Chanson perform in the Memorial Chapel at the University of Maryland.
03:38 min
In this clip from Overheard, poet and author Saeed Jones talks about why he wrote his memoir, “How We Fight for Our Lives.”
When writer Roxane Gay dubbed herself a “bad feminist,” she was making a joke, acknowledging that she couldn’t possibly live up to the demands for perfection of the feminist movement. But she’s realized that the joke rang hollow.
Feelings of anxiety, stress and depression are not uncommon for people with breast cancer, whether they’ve just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are a survivor. Stephanie H.
What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents—asking them: What’s the line between...
"Grit and Grace. One won’t let you give up and the other makes it okay to let go. You need both to succeed-especially women who face incredible odds.