The Femmes de Chanson perform in the Memorial Chapel at the University of Maryland.
03:38 min
Episode Five: Don’t Start The Crisis Without Me. Psychologist/Theologian John Bradshaw traces human life through eight stages of psychosocial development (based on the works of Erik Erikson) focusing on the ego needs and strengths of each stage.
For ages, people have been told to find our purpose, and that purpose will lead to a fulfilled life.
From germinating 30,000 year old seeds to the effects of Type II diabetes on the National Health Service, Dr David Reilly MD’s fast paced talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing is both fascinating and touching.
This video, building on the ideas of Ernest Becker, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Emerson, examines why we are so susceptible to conformity and looks at why nonconformity, or the cultivation of one’s uniqueness, is such an important ingredient in a life well-lived.