The Femmes de Chanson perform in the Memorial Chapel at the University of Maryland.
03:38 min
The depression symptoms analysis was completed as part of the Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) study that examined the effects of dietary intervention on 3088 women following the completion of treatment for early-stage breast cancer.
This week the ladies talk about how and why friendships may change, letting relationships go, and moving on from old ties.
Psychologist and Women's Health Magazine contributor Dr. Michelle Callahan spoke to Maggie Rodriguez and her best friend Tami Frymark about the key to maintaining life-long bonds between women.
Every time a pattern in your life changes, your friendships will change too. You’ve experienced this when you started a new job, when you moved, when your kids started playing on different sports teams, and especially when you start pursuing different goals than the goals of your friends.
How important is friendship to you? Is it an important part of self care to nourish them?
It's so hard to know what to do when your friends are hurting. The thing is, you can't cheer someone up by telling them to look on the bright side, or by giving them advice. It just doesn't work.
When something shameful happens in your life, shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says, there are six types of people with whom you shouldn't share the story.
Kripalu Scholar-in-Residence Stephen Cope explains how our deepest friendships help create who we are.
It’s impossible to say how much Aristotle wrote, but even from the fraction of his work that we have left today, there is a stunning amount of breadth in the subjects he covered.