55:45 min
Henry Grayson sits down with Tami Simon to discuss the self-healing power each one of us holds in our bodies and minds.
The three requirements of healing. Nicole takes viewers through the concepts imperative to healing yourself.
Nicole introduces the series with a little personal background, and invites you to join her on this healing journey. She outlines some of the cases she has seen heal, completely, simply from doing this work.
Beginning with a powerful poem, Angela talks about the power of acknowledging and healing from the “strength and resilience trauma” that black women normalize and carry, Realizing the black woman's burden and healing our caregivers and youth. Angela Bowden is a writer, speaker and activist.
Pamela Miles is an international spiritual teacher, Reiki master and integrative health consultant with five decades of spiritual practice. She is the foremost pioneer introducing Reiki practice to conventional medicine, including Harvard and Yale medical schools and the NIH.
Pamela Miles explains how Reiki can help you feel better and safely manage symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and fatigue, even if you are being treated for a health condition. Reiki is safe for people of all ages.
A message from Dr. Larry Ward in response to what’s happening in America right now.
Samuel discusses a major paradigm shift in recovering from infidelity or addiction.
As a documentarian of this event I laughed and cried with the participants as Queen Afua shared her wonderful gifts and skill set. She encouraged the women to be healers not only of themselves, but of others.