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Speak Torah to Power: “Creating New Narratives of Empathy,” with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

By Sharon Kleinbaum — 2019

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum tells the story of how it became an essential part of Muslim prayer in one community to be surrounded by the love of gay Jews, and how one straight Imam found himself as a featured speaker at New York’s GLBT Pride parade.

49:31 min


ADHD Relationship Skills & Problems

Successfully dating and maintaining healthy relationships can be a challenge for people with ADHD, maybe because they are too irresponsible, don't listen properly and so on.

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ADHD and Autism Relationship Accommodations -- How to Get Your Needs Met

We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.

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Entrepreneurship & Mental Health: Expert Perspectives

What are the most common mental health problems that entrepreneurs suffer from — and what can startups and founders do? Mental health experts answer these crucial questions, and offer their ideas for how to prioritize mental wellness while also growing a business.

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How Empathy Fuels the Creative Process: Seung Chan Lim (Slim) at TEDxWellesleyCollege

When we hear the word "connection," we often envision a line being drawn between two separate circles. In this talk, Seung Chan Lim (Slim) shares stories and theories that arose from his recent research into the intersection between empathy and the creative process of "making.

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Living with Gynaecological Cancer Part 1.3—Relationships—Family and Friends

People react differently when someone they are close to is diagnosed with cancer. We find that most are very supportive but some people just don't know how to cope and don't know what to say.

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Psychologist Jessica Hamilton Discusses Divorce after Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. Jessica Hamilton, a psychologist, explains why divorce sometimes happens after a breast cancer diagnosis, how that person can respond and how friends can help.

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Cancer and Relationships

For adults who have been diagnosed and treated for any type of cancer, this video includes information on how cancer survivors can improve their wellness and quality of life in six areas of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, thinking (cognitive) and work.

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Parents Argue Over Popular Daughter Who Is Rude at Home

This story is about a mom and a step-dad who had argued a lot over a teenage daughter who was rude and home and unwilling to do her part. The step-dad shifted to using a non-defensive statement and got very different results.

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See How this Single Question Saved a Marriage

This story is about a situation where Todd, a husband, almost left his wife and kids, and the wife found a way to ask one non-defensive question that led to a conversation that saved the marriage.

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Thubten Chodron’s Wonderful Dhamma Talk

Venerable Thubten Chodron speaking on Bodhicitta and relationships.

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