12:56 min
Mirror of Intimacy contains a year’s worth of daily reflections that explore and support the range of human sexualities as a divine gift and a human right.
Explore your relationships and sexuality, with yourself and with others, with this new book by Dr. Faith, author of bestselling Unf*ck Your Brain.
Having documented transgender communities for more than 30 years, photographer Mariette Pathy Allen is accustomed to working with those facing stigma and abuse. But the subjects of her latest book represented an altogether different experience.
In my current casual reading, a novel, the answer to the question “and where is God for you?” was expressed this way...
From the outside, it looked like she had it all: beautiful family, high-power career, church and community respect. But inside, she was living a life of turmoil.
Being “othered” and the body shame it spurs is not “just” a feeling.
Conversations surrounding eating disorders, body image, and beauty standards are generally centered on the narratives of straight, cisgender* women. However, these conversations often exclude the experiences of many LGBT people who also struggle with body image concerns and disordered eating.
How mindfulness has helped Buddhist teacher Lama Rod Owens live as a Black queer man in America.
Einstein, like Spinoza, never sought comfort from a traditional God or felt the need for moral instruction from religion.
In her new book, “Shameless,” Nadia Bolz-Weber sets out to build a sexual ethic around human flourishing rather than around rules encoded by men centuries ago.