Filmed at the College Of Psychic Studies, London for one of Judy's How to Use Crystals for Personal and Spiritual Development weekends.
03:06 min
Performing crystal healing can help repair you or another person's chakra. Cleanse yourself with crystals with help from an expert holistic practitioner in this free video.
This video is about how to use crystals in healing. My video explains wearing, carrying and keeping crystals in your immediate environment. Applying crystals to chakras and colour therapy.
You guys know by now, I’m a happy hippie….so I’m super excited for this video because it’s been highly requested and just so happens to be one of my favorite topics ever—CRYSTALS! I’m here to share with you guys my most cherished and magical crystals, what they mean, and how I use them.
Donna Eden talks about the functions of each chakra, and how to clear and energize each chakra.
This is 3 hours deep meditation music to boost your aura. This music helps you to enhance positive energy inside your mind and body. It is also very helpful to activate your chakras. In a spiritual sense, we believe that we radiate an energy field or aura around us that others might feel.