07:27 min
This week, I address one of the biggest problems in ADHD relationships that no one seems to talk about.
Being in a neurodiverse relationship can be extra challenging! In this video, Tay (neurodiverse) and her husband Scott (neurotypical) share 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships.
Successfully dating and maintaining healthy relationships can be a challenge for people with ADHD, maybe because they are too irresponsible, don't listen properly and so on.
We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.
WELCOME TO ASPERGERS FROM THE INSIDE!! My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. Yes, I know, I don’t look autistic. That’s exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn’t show you, you would never know.
"My greatest weakness is perfectionism" might not be a cop-out answer after all.
Hi! Here's some advice for college that helped this crackhead :) Sorry for being so inactive :( Summer has been kinda busy (and I've also been a little down). Hopefully I'll be better once school starts! Okbye~~
Human beings and computers alike share the challenge of how to get as much done as possible in a limited time. Over the last fifty or so years, computer scientists have learned a lot of good strategies for managing time effectively — and they have a lot of experience with what can go wrong.
Is there a right way—and a wrong way—to quit your job? Here’s what to do and say in the moment.
Even if you’re unhappy with your job, you may be tempted to stay and put up with the slow simmer of discontent out of fear of finding something new. Let’s see if you’re in the red zone where you’ve crossed the border into unhealthy, potentially damaging territory.