07:27 min
SHE speaks with Riane Eisler on SHE LivingTV, author of "Chalice and the Blade", and "The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics".
Is a feeling of loneliness tied to being incomplete without a partner? Delving into the idea that it is unseemly for a woman to be alone, Kim suggests that it is the questioner's belief in this standard that is causing her unhappiness.
Nina Simons is a social entrepreneur, accomplished in both the nonprofit and corporate worlds.
Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the importance of one’s attitude in life and how dreams can help in his film “In Search of the Holy Grail.”
Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the Mother Complex that is in most western males in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.
Arianna Huffington and Sadhguru discuss the negative implications of the way masculinity defines success in today's corporate, educational, and political structures.
With more than a million copies sold worldwide, "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Dr. John Gottman has revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages.
“How do I assert myself as a man without coming across as too forceful?” - Carl, Washington DC This is a critical question at this moment in time. Many men, especially young men come to me with this dilemma—how can I be assertive and confident, without being aggressive and arrogant?