This video will help you to discover your core values. Core values will help you create the life of your dreams.
08:20 min
Viktor Frankl’s theory and therapy grew out of his experiences in Nazi death camps. He saw that people who had hopes of being reunited with loved ones or who had projects they felt a need to complete or who had great faith, tended to have better chances than those who had lost all hope.
Rarely seen footage of Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking to students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967, where he delivered his speech “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?”
Gary Zukav, came to 'The Oprah Show' to discuss letting go of your past in order to move forward. He stayed afterward to take questions from the audience. Watch as Gary shares the secret to being in control of your destiny.
In this episode of The Charged Life, high performance coach and motivational legend Brendon Burchard reveals a simple framework for thinking about your purpose, and he shares the hints the universe has given us to the ultimate question of life.
Author Caroline Myss says each of us has a sacred contract: a set of assignments our soul was meant to complete. Here, she shares a list of telltale signs that you are fulfilling your divine potential in life.
This is the moment I have been born for. I have spoken throughout the years that Our Crisis is Birth, before there was a crisis or a birth! Now there are both simultaneously. This has encouraged me to offer for the first time a genuine EVOLUTIONARY JOURNEY to the world.
Do your goals really belong to you or are they simply a projection of society's influence? Vishen Lakhiani and Michael Beckwith teach you how to differentiate between these two to grow your conscious awareness.
Angeles Arrien is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author and educator. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. She is also the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research.