This video will help you to discover your core values. Core values will help you create the life of your dreams.
08:20 min
There are various developmental theories that go into the tool kit that parents and educators utilize to help mold caring and ethically intact people, including those of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.
Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.
Journey to Noble Ideals is a compilation of speeches Fethullah Gulen delivered in Pennsylvania, USA, between 2012 and 2013. The book provides guidelines to build our individual ladders to self-discovery.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
We have all experienced, at one time or another, situations in which our professional responsibilities unexpectedly come into conflict with our deepest values.
With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived “in the now.
Why have you been given this singular treasure that is your life―and how will you use it? What is the purpose for the unique blend of gifts, skills, experiences, and perspectives that you alone possess? To support you in answering these questions and living in sync with your inner calling,...
The essential guide to standing up for your values at work. Protect your integrity by committing to The Conscience Code. A fast-track colleague is elbowing their way up the corporate ladder in your organization by faking sales reports. Your entrepreneur boss asks you to lie to would-be investors.
In this penetrating book, renowned intuitive, speaker, and teacher Robert Ohotto guides us on an investigation of the Heroic Journey of the Soul.
We’ve been taught to refer to people with disabilities using person-first language, but that might be doing more harm than good.