30:49 min
Do your goals really belong to you or are they simply a projection of society's influence? Vishen Lakhiani and Michael Beckwith teach you how to differentiate between these two to grow your conscious awareness.
Spiritual pioneer Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith explains why talking about your intentions can help manifest the kind of life you want to live.
Michael Beckwith’s life-shifting wisdom will leave you pondering: How you’ve set out your life goals. The limits of Creative Visualization. How you can take your spiritual growth to the next level.
If what it is you want it to simply to be done with this woundedness then you will continue to search for something that temporarily at least makes you feel better.
How can emotional intelligence help us be better leaders? Are we really aware of how we manage ourselves and our relationships? In this video, Daniel Goleman explains the best strategies to improve our emotional intelligence to create better long-term relationships.
The purpose of this video is to relay the most sublime teaching of Sunyata—silence beyond any idea of silence, peace beyond any idea of peace, love beyond any idea of love, and the vast emptiness of the omniscience that defies description (gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā).
In this video renowned thinker Huston Smith offers the powerful story of his spiritual journey through life.
Angeles Arrien is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author and educator. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. She is also the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research.
All Masters have said, “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and “Tat Twam Asi,” (You are that). Disciples then perform constant shravanam, mananam and nidhidyasanam (listening, reflection and internalization), and through this process they reach the depths of these statements.