This is a channeled message for Twin Flames / Twin Souls.
11:10 min
After a few relationships gone bad and more than one night waiting by the phone, Oprah learned the hard way that if a man shows you he’s untrustworthy, believe him the first time. Watch Dr. Maya Angelou discuss this important life lesson with Oprah. Presents... Actress, activist and Baha'i Emily Baldoni tells the tale of her 35-hour labor during a drug-free home birth—and what it taught her about the strength of her femininity.
Before his passing last year, the legendary Russell Means agreed to meet with us for what would turn out to be one of his last interviews. We will be sharing select clips from this unreleased interview over the upcoming months.
Today we cover the hot topic of open relationships in the gay community vs closed relationships! The Gay Men's Brotherhood is a group for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth.
In this video, Neale Donald Walsch discusses the nature of who we are, why we're here, and how we can use that to more consciously guide our everyday decisions.
Rebecca Solnit, a contributing editor at Harper’s, talks about her book of essays on such topics as gender inequality, rape, hate crimes, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and gay marriage. She spoke at Moe’s Books in Berkeley, California.
Dr. Robert Johnson—author, lecturer, analyst—discusses masculine initiation as it relates to the modern ego of the western male in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.
Conscious Sex is a powerful workshop with David Deida capture in TV broadcast quality.
In this University of Santa Monica video from a Special Evening on "Forgiveness", Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick use the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology to answer the question "Can trust ever be repaired?"