Here is a quick intro to crystals!! I'm so excited to share my love of minerals, stones and crystals with you all
22:11 min
This video is about how to use crystals in healing. My video explains wearing, carrying and keeping crystals in your immediate environment. Applying crystals to chakras and colour therapy.
You guys know by now, I’m a happy hippie….so I’m super excited for this video because it’s been highly requested and just so happens to be one of my favorite topics ever—CRYSTALS! I’m here to share with you guys my most cherished and magical crystals, what they mean, and how I use them.
For people all over the world, crystal healing is a way of life. The self-care treatment involves placing crystals and gemstones across your body to balance your mind and emotions. Different crystals will have different effects on you.
What makes crystals grow into their signature shapes? Dig into the atomic patterns and unique properties of crystals. Many crystals have signature shapes- like the cascade of pointed quartz or a pile of galena cubes.
Today we got in touch with our spiritual side and Lily gets a crystal healing session performed on her. Spoiler alert: the lady tells us to do inappropriate things with a crystal.
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, is author of Energy Medicine, Life Beyond 100, Blueprint for Holistic Healing, Sacred Healing, Miracles Do Happen, Medical Intuition, Living Bliss, Pony Wisdom for the Soul, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies, Conversations with G, and many other books.
For over three decades, he has been at the forefront of alternative medicine and alternative health care. He is the author of several books, including Energy Medicine: Practical Applications and Scientific Proof. What exactly is energy medicine, and how can it help you embrace good health? Dr.
Genuine healing occurs when we take ourselves mercifully into our own hearts and accept the totality of our lives. This healing of the soul or spirit, says Stephen Levine, is independent of bodily healing. We harden our hearts when we fail to forgive ourselves of our own pain.