This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from the historic Hotel del Coronado built in 1888 as a seaside for Coronado Island, California! Wayne Cook was a pioneer in the field of bioenergetic force fields, and he created a really simple technique to help you with clarity in your... See more...
This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from the historic Hotel del Coronado built in 1888 as a seaside for Coronado Island, California! Wayne Cook was a pioneer in the field of bioenergetic force fields, and he created a really simple technique to help you with clarity in your mind! It will also help you speak better in presentations, in confrontations, and interpersonal relationships in general. This technique crosses your energies, hooks up your meridians, and it hooks up your polarities. THIS is Donna Eden's favorite exercise!!! Breathe deeply 5-6 times and switch sides.
01:17 min