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Have More Clarity and Better Communication with Dondi Dahlin!

By Dondi Dahlin — 2015

This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from the historic Hotel del Coronado built in 1888 as a seaside for Coronado Island, California! Wayne Cook was a pioneer in the field of bioenergetic force fields, and he created a really simple technique to help you with clarity in your... See more...

01:17 min


SFF21: Cinema, Poetry, and Healing in Land-Based Activism

Poetry and conversations inspired by land based activism and media creation, from Mauna Kea, Turtle Island, and Micronesia. Indigenous filmmakers, poets, and activists address healing from colonization through various forms of cultural practice.

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Art + Activism = Artivism: Art can Dismantle Hate

A short documentary discussing how art forms within activism can dismantle hate and create changes in the society we live in.

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Start with Why—How Great Leaders Inspire Action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership—starting with a golden circle and the question: “Why?”. His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers.

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Marcus Aurelius: How to Wake Up Early (Stoicism)

In this video we will be talking about 10 important insights for waking up early from the writings of Marcus Aurelius. He was also a devout student of the philosophy of Stoicism.

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Energy Balancing