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Have More Clarity and Better Communication with Dondi Dahlin!

By Dondi Dahlin — 2015

This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from the historic Hotel del Coronado built in 1888 as a seaside for Coronado Island, California! Wayne Cook was a pioneer in the field of bioenergetic force fields, and he created a really simple technique to help you with clarity in your... See more...

01:17 min


How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy Medicine? | Donna Eden

Can you apply energy healing techniques with your partner to strengthen your relationship? Donna Eden and her partner David Feinstein often are asked these questions.

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Skeptical of Energy Medicine? This May Change Your Mind | Donna Eden

We generally just think of our human bodies as flesh and bone, but is there more to us than that? Is there an underlying energy that runs through us and perhaps IS us? Is the idea too weird? Does it turn you off? Is it too wu-wu? If so, this video by energy healers, Donna and David Eden, is...

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Energy Balancing