This lesson has stayed with me and is so relevant to our lives today.
03:40 min
What is Personal Development? Personal development coach Dr. Dave Martin talks about that and more in this video. Dr. Dave Martin is the author of The 12 Traits of Great and the Force of Favor.
Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just ... haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals.
Working hard but not improving? You’re not alone. Eduardo Briceño reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that’s work, parenting or creative hobbies.
In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.
Like everything in life, personal growth is something that has to be worked for and everyone is on their own journey towards it. If you want to ensure your growth never stagnates, watch this video to learn the secret to personal growth and why it is so important for your success in life.hange
Ashley Neese is a renowned trauma-informed breathwork teacher and author of the bestselling book How To Breathe: 25 Simple Practices for Calm, Joy, and Resilience.
What if you allowed yourself to truly FEEL? Whether it’s grief, despair, or anxiety, society will always find a way to label feelings as “messy.” But burying these emotions only leads to greater emotional upheaval.
Nicole Miller guides you through a breathwork practice to cultivate energy through inner reflection. You will find that as you release old, stuck energy, you’ll make room for the frequencies that feel most authentic, freeing and expansive within.
Five students from five different continents tell us how they adapted to a brand new culture when they first came to study abroad.