Some thoughts about creativity.
09:43 min
Now, in this powerful, straight-from-the-hip examination of the internal obstacles to success, bestselling author Steven Pressfield shows readers how to identify, defeat, and unlock the inner barriers to creativity.
Creativity Coaching Essentials shows people how to become more effective creators by guiding them through 12 self-coaching lessons.
In his previous books Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work!, both New York Times bestsellers, Austin Kleon gave readers the keys to unlock their creativity and showed them how to become known.
In this day and age, when art has become more of a commodity and art school graduates are convinced that they can only make a living from their work by attaining gallery representation, it is more important than ever to show the reality of how a professional, contemporary artist sustains a creative...
It recently dawned on me that I struggle with self-discipline. After years of robotically doing tasks imposed by others without having much choice about what to do and the order to do it, the ability to organise my own life exactly how I wanted it has at times proved to be daunting.
Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr.
Here’s how to break through the barriers that keep you from doing your best work.
Any creative process is a dance between the inner and the outer; the unconscious and conscious mind; dreaming and doing; madness and method; solitary reflection and active collaboration.
Writing was the central passion of Emerson’s life.
In one of the most popular classes at Parsons School of Design, B. Jeffrey Madoff gave students a reality check: "Most of us have had the feeling of 'I could've done that,' whether at an art gallery, watching a performance, or finding a new product or even a new business idea.