Some thoughts about creativity.
09:43 min
Play-Based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities contains a wide selection of play therapy interventions for use with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, dysregulation issues, or other neurodevelopmental disorders.
The Behavior Code unlocks a wealth of proven practices to help teachers, counselors, and parents identify the messages underlying challenging student behaviors and respond in supportive ways.
I am thinking about some complex interactions in the way we behave day-to-day and how for some, this may result in exhaustion and 'burnout'. What is interesting and relevant to neurodiversity is the interplay of cognitive and affective empathy.
In a work world dominated by automation, digitalization, and increasing incivility, the need for one group of workers, those whom I call “sensitive strivers,” has never been greater.
Can neurodiversity proponents keep the notion of mental pathology?
Embracing neurodiversity, from ADHD to dyslexia, gives adland a creative edge.
The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.
Anyone living a full, rich life experiences ups and downs, stresses, disappointments, sorrows, and setbacks. Today, however, millions of people who are really no more than “worried well” are being diagnosed as having a mental disorder and receiving unnecessary treatment.
Businesses that find out more about about the characteristics of those on the autistic spectrum can optimise their strengths and help them to contribute hugely to the output of their teams.
Neurodiversity in the workplace can be a gift. Yet only 15% of adults with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) are in full-time employment. This book examines how the working environment can embrace autistic people in a positive way.