04:10 min
Drawing on the success of her breakout book Conscious Creativity, artist Philippa Stanton dares you to throw away technique and open the door to free creative movement with this hands-on workbook.
Our imagination allows us to do more than just daydream. It sparks new ideas and helps us visualize ourselves achieving that next great goal in life.
In your imagination, you can do anything. Riding a dragon? Piece of cake. Imagination is what fuels creativity and allows us to come up with innovative solutions. New research assessing brain scans shows that our imagination can also help us get rid of our anxieties and fears.
And while there have been many people in my life who have so kindly reminded me of the importance of being responsible and realistic, I have learned that imagination is far more valuable than reality & here are a few reasons why.
The theory and practice of creativity—culled from the lifetime of experiences of an esteemed art educator/therapist. With proven techniques he's discovered for jump-starting the creative process.
A cornerstone of Sartre’s philosophy, The Imaginary was first published in 1940. Sartre had become acquainted with the philosophy of Edmund Husserl in Berlin and was fascinated by his idea of the 'intentionality of consciousness' as a key to the puzzle of existence.
Imagination allows us to step out of the ordinary but also to transform it through our sense of wonder and play, artistic inspiration and innovation, or the eureka moment of a scientific breakthrough.
The best corporations know that innovative thinking is the only competitive advantage that cannot be outsourced. The best schools are those that create cultures of imagination.
The ancient art of storytelling revealed in Storytelling and the Art of Imagination shines as a powerful antidote to today’s passive, solitary world of electronic entertainment.
We’ve all seen the happiness on the face of a child while playing in the school yard. Or the blissful abandon of a golden retriever racing across a lawn. This is the joy of play. By definition, play is purposeless, all-consuming, and fun. But as Dr.