04:10 min
With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders.
SARK’s whimsical, hand-printed, hand-painted books . . . are guides for adults (kids, too) who long to play and be creative, but have forgotten how.
SARK invites the journal writer to compose his/her own creative companion through gentle instructions and playful directions toward artistic freedom. Your “inside child” will peek out to want, wish, find pleasure, and amaze you.
We all need reminders that it’s little things that make us feel really alive—those small actions and subtle gestures that can potentially lead to great moments of magic and joy.
Sark’s first book, A CREATIVE COMPANION, has charmed all who come across it, so we were delighted when she came back to us with this collection of 43 ways to awaken your creative self—including “invite someone dangerous to tea,” “take lots of naps,” and “make friends with freedom and...
Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundation for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.
This is not about meeting criteria and ticking boxes, it’s about finally creating the generous, plural and radical art world that many of us want and need.
One of the deepest purposes of all art is to marry what is with what can be.
Embracing neurodiversity, from ADHD to dyslexia, gives adland a creative edge.
On May 20, 1990, Bill Watterson, creator of the beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, took the podium at Kenyon College — the same stage David Foster Wallace would occupy 15 years later to deliver his memorable commencement address — and gave the graduating class a gift of equally remarkable insight...