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The True and the False Self


A good life is one in which we can dare to show our True Self and do not mind too much occasionally having to wear the mask of a False Self. See more...

06:55 min

Should You Be Your Authentic Self at Work?

If you want to make a greater contribution by sharing all of your unique gifts, then commit to being more appropriately authentic on the job. You’ll likely feel much more engaged in your work, and you’ll increase the odds that you’ll fulfill your professional potential.

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Navigating the Corporate World as Your Authentic Self

By showing up and consistently performing, your results speak for themselves.

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Be Your Authentic Self at Work—But Only If You’re White

Some argue that no one, regardless of race, can or should truly bring their whole selves to work. And, though this may be true, the issue is far more complex for people of color.

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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen have spent the past fifteen years working with corporations, nonprofits, governments, and families to determine what helps us learn and what gets in our way.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageHow ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.

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How to Think More Effectively: A Guide to Greater Productivity, Insight and Creativity

We know that our minds are capable of great things because, every now and then, they come out with a brilliant idea or two. However, our minds are also unpredictable, spending large stretches of time idling or distracting themselves.

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Authenticity Reawakened: The Path to Owning Your Life’s Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose

Authenticity Reawakened is the result of countless hours of research as well as the author, Vicki Znavor’s personal experiences and lessons learned over her forty-year career as an expert in the field of human resources.

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How Life Coach Marie Forleo Figured Out Her Life, and Empowers Others to Do the Same

Why Marie Forleo walked away from Wall Street to help people build lives they love.

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