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The True and the False Self


A good life is one in which we can dare to show our True Self and do not mind too much occasionally having to wear the mask of a False Self. See more...

06:55 min

Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity

Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition—that difference is what unites us.

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In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying

At thirty-six years old, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche was a rising star within his generation of Tibetan masters and the respected abbot of three monasteries.

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Personal Identity

This volume brings together the vital contributions of distinguished past and contemporary philosophers to the important topic of personal identity.

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A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality

Perry’s excellent dialogue makes a complicated topic stimulating and accessible without any sacrifice of scholarly accuracy or thoroughness. Professionals will appreciate the work’s command of the issues and depth of argument, while students will find that it excites interest and imagination.

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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen have spent the past fifteen years working with corporations, nonprofits, governments, and families to determine what helps us learn and what gets in our way.

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As a Man Thinketh (the Complete Original Edition) and Mastery of Destiny

Originally published in 1903, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh reveals the fundamental truth of human nature: “A man is literally what he thinks.” Allen’s deceptively simple principle has changed the lives of millions of readers, making As a Man Thinketh a classic bestseller for decades.

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How Latin America’s Obsession With Whiteness Is Hurting Us

Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.

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The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity

Who do you think you are? That’s a question bound up in another: What do you think you are? Gender. Religion. Race. Nationality. Class. Culture. Such affiliations give contours to our sense of self, and shape our polarized world.

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Black Skin, White Masks

Few modern voices have had as profound an impact on the black identity and critical race theory as Frantz Fanon, and Black Skin, White Masks represents some of his most important work.

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Racing into the Future

While we too often and too loudly insist that race does not matter, there is a growing body of research that shows race impacts many of our decisions (many with deadly consequences), and that implicit bias and racial anxiety are likely to be greater for those who cling to the belief of a colorblind...

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