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The True and the False Self


A good life is one in which we can dare to show our True Self and do not mind too much occasionally having to wear the mask of a False Self. See more...

06:55 min

The Impact of Identity: The Power of Knowing Who You Are

The world is rapidly changing and our beliefs are being challenged. Many of us are uncomfortable with the political, religious, and social changes taking place. This book offers a new approach to establishing a clear, resilient identity and enjoying a more positive, meaningful life.

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The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity

Who do you think you are? That’s a question bound up in another: What do you think you are? Gender. Religion. Race. Nationality. Class. Culture. Such affiliations give contours to our sense of self, and shape our polarized world.

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Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity, and Activism

In this profoundly uplifting book, authors and sacred activists Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade call us to the next paradigm in human relations: love connections that are solidly grounded in individual authenticity, and passionately focused on service and solidarity.

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