Rwenshaun sits with Nedra Glover Tawwab LCSW to discuss surving as an entrepreneur during COVID-19
34:59 min
Do you have a creative formula that is repeatable with predictable results or are you just showing the finished work? If you aren’t showing your process and documenting it, you are leaving it up to the imagination of your client as to how you work.
The ability to bounce back from low-points is a critical skill for every entrepreneur.
In the first part of The National’s series Battling Burnout, Canadian author and workplace expert Rahaf Harfoush tells Andrew Chang that pressures in the modern workplace are distorting our identities by often placing success at work at the expense of mental and physical well-being.
In this sketch note video, we explore what makes creative collaboration work.
Can we actually accomplish more by working less? Does the success of our modern icons hide a self-destructive culture? In this persuasive talk, Phil Drolet contrasts the lifestyle of our most famous and celebrated entrepreneurs with one that draws on the training and life patterns of rock stars,...
Starting your own business will solve everything that’s wrong about your job, your life and more importantly, about how you feel. Becoming an entrepreneur will give you more flexibility, more freedom, more joy, more recognition, more meaning and hopefully on the long run, more money.
Have you ever considered becoming a Mompreneur? Join our series as I answer questions related to starting your own business. If your question isn’t answered, leave a comment below and I will answer it for you!
Have you ever doubted your abilities, feared you were going to be discovered as a "fraud"? That's called "impostor syndrome," and you're definitely not alone in feeling it, says entrepreneur and CEO Mike Cannon-Brookes.
Courtland sits down with Maimah Karmo, founder of the Tigerlily Foundation, at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. In this interview, they discuss the challenges that occur in the workplace after a cancer diagnosis and what an employer can do to help.
Sherri shares her story of returning to work after a cancer diagnosis