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The Dark Night of the Soul (Losing Who We Thought We Were)


According to St. John of the Cross and Teresa of Ávila, humans have an inborn longing for completion. This completion cannot be achieved by worldly pleasures. So, instead, we must go within, to reach the inner core of our soul in which ‘the divine’ lies hidden. See more...

09:52 min


14 Signs You Are Experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul

If you’re going through it right now, I promise you it’s worth it. You are so loved. I know it feels like the end of the world but this is just the beginning of a new start.

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Mark Nepo: The Two Ways Anyone Can Grow as a Human Being | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Poet and best-selling author says there are many ways to grow as human beings, but there are only two universal experiences: Either we are broken open or we willfully shed what isn't working in our lives. Watch as Mark explains what sacrifice means and how to find what's truly sacred in life.

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The Secret to Self-Development and Changing Your Life | Motivational Video

In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.

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The Heart and Inner Growth with Julia Griffin

In this class, we’ll talk about moving into calm and peace, how we find this in the heart along with an exercise, our connection with the universe, and how thoughts/emotions create reality, and how to focus with positive thoughts/emotions through awareness & visualization to create a better...

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The Natural Healing Process of Awakening - Jon Bernie - Unconditional Love

During an Online Satsang on February 13th, 2021, nondual spiritual teacher and author Jon Bernie speaks about the natural healing process of awakening.

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Wherever You Turn Is the Face of God -- Camille Helminski

'Wherever You Turn Is the Face of God' -- talk by Camille Helminski, taken at the Baraka Retreat 2011

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Camille Adams Helminski with Tazeen on Transforming with Rumi

An in-depth conversation on how Camille fell in love with Rumi, the Sufi path and what it brought to her heart.

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The Qualitative Science of the Heart: Kabir Helminski

Sufism is a discipline, a methodology, for enhancing and refining spiritual perception. The human being has a range of subtle faculties for knowing, the totality of which we can call the spiritual heart. The science of the heart is a science of qualities, not quantities.

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Be Cleansed of Shallow Idolatries: Shaikh Kabir Helminski

Shaikh Kabir Helminski offers a sohbet (discourse & discussion) on July’s theme of the month: “Be cleansed of shallow idolatries; affirm the Real. Ya Haqq.

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Reading Strangers’ Deepest Regrets

We all have secrets. We had people write down their deepest regrets and read someone else’s to create understanding, connection, and empathy amongst strangers.

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Dark Night of the Soul