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The Dark Night of the Soul (Losing Who We Thought We Were)


According to St. John of the Cross and Teresa of Ávila, humans have an inborn longing for completion. This completion cannot be achieved by worldly pleasures. So, instead, we must go within, to reach the inner core of our soul in which ‘the divine’ lies hidden. See more...

09:52 min


One Through Love: Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey in Konya recites Rumi's poem: "The lamps are different, but the light is the same."

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Andrew Harvey at Shantivanam Ashram in Tamil Nadu, South India

In this video, taken at Shantivanam Ashram in Tamil Nadu, South India, Andrew talks about his awakening experiences and tells us the answer to his burning question, "what is awakening for, in this time".

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Hmmmtv Interviews Deepak Chopra & Andrew Harvey

HmmmTV interviews Deepak Chopra and Andrew Harvey at The Human Forum, Puerto Rico, December 2006. Arranged by David Reed, video production by Paul Erdek.

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Dark Night of the Soul