04:30 min
Lama Surya Das discusses unity in diversity, and finding the "one" in the "many." This helps us to see others in ourselves, contributing to a peaceful existence. He also shares stories about renowned spiritual guru Neem Karoli Baba and his first-hand experiences.
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Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is a world-renowned speaker, author, and leading expert in spirituality, healing, Toltec wisdom, and personal freedom. This was such a great interview – Miguel’s insights on authenticity, attachment, and relationships are DEEP and profound.
CRAZYWISE Conversations: Nils von Heijne – Understanding My Transcendent Experience Nils is a Swedish entrepreneur and coach who I met at the Guardian of Life Conference near Stockholm, Sweden.
A. H. Almaas challenges the prevailing non-dualistic view of realization when it considers dualistic experience as due to the individual’s delusion of separateness.
William’s 20-minute talk at the Findhorn Foundation in October 2018.
In a society increasingly driven by science and technology, world religions and the communities they inspire remain a vast and rock-solid political force.
A Dialogue on Self-Compassion and Interdependence with Dr. Kamilah Majied and Dr.Vaishali Mamgain Originally broadcast on Friday, August 23, 2019 A dynamic discussion of self-compassion led by two contemplative leaders. Drs.
The renowned psychologist and author dispels the fog of duality and polarization that enshrouds our society, such as under-thinking while over-working, or preaching democracy while failing to vote. Paradoxically, knowing what’s wrong with our nation is what paralyzes us.
Sufism is a discipline, a methodology, for enhancing and refining spiritual perception. The human being has a range of subtle faculties for knowing, the totality of which we can call the spiritual heart. The science of the heart is a science of qualities, not quantities.
Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks on the Art of Healing in Simsbury CT.