01:07:24 min
In the world’s largest study on psychedelics and the brain, a team of researchers from The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) and Department of Biomedical Engineering of McGill University, the Broad Institute at Harvard/MIT, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and Mila—Quebec...
Life’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep. The only way to do this is to open, be curious, and develop some sense of sympathy for everything that comes along, to get to know its nature and let it teach you what it will.
Call It Altering Consciousness, Call It Getting High, Or Call It Mindfulness. Humans Are Hardwired To Seek Ways To Transcend The Limits Of Everyday Awareness, Whether It's The Little Kid Spinning In Circles To Get Dizzy Or A Runner Experiencing The Day's First Rush Of Dopamine.
Journey to Noble Ideals is a compilation of speeches Fethullah Gulen delivered in Pennsylvania, USA, between 2012 and 2013. The book provides guidelines to build our individual ladders to self-discovery.
We can temporarily push our ego away or try to rearrange our personality to be happier, freer, or more realized. But ego comes back. And that’s where Diamond Approach inquiry comes in. We all have awareness and inquiry helps us harness awareness to dissolve ego instead of pushing it away.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
This book presents the reader with the theoretical framework behind Arnold Mindell's two earlier studies of the psychology of body experience, "Dreambody" and "Working With the Dreaming Body".
This is the seventh book in a progressive series based on the revelations of consciousness research. It describes in detail how to discern not only truth from falsehood, but also the illusion of appearance from the actual core of reality.
A personal guide to the life-giving treasures of the Jewish spiritual tradition. This extraordinary spiritual handbook is a compassionate call to reconnect with your spiritual roots and nourish your relationship with God.
Integral Spirituality is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time.