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Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead - James Clear


If you’re finding it difficult to hit your goals, best-selling author James Clear says it’s time to take a good long look at what he calls “your system.” Here’s where to start.

04:17 min


What Quality Do the Most Successful People Share? True Grit

What makes a person successful? For Professor Angela Duckworth, the answer is grit, an intangible trait that motivates passion and perseverance. In a study at West Point, Duckworth found that grit mattered more for success than leadership ability, intelligence and physical fitness.

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Strategies to Become More Emotional Intelligent | Daniel Goleman | Wobi

How can emotional intelligence help us be better leaders? Are we really aware of how we manage ourselves and our relationships? In this video, Daniel Goleman explains the best strategies to improve our emotional intelligence to create better long-term relationships.

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Goal Setting