Psychologist Jerry Ruhl talks about the value of Jungian Dream Groups for interpreting dreams.
01:11 min
Reflective practice is a way of analysing the things you do and thinking about how you could develop or improve your behaviour, skills or knowledge.
Brendon Burchard gives his best advice on how to master the art of self-reflection.
These 5 self reflection exercises can help you find your strengths, weaknesses, balance and gain and understanding of your emotions, improve your self awareness, emotional intelligence, and confidence & help improve your overall happiness and success in life.
James is a young man with wisdom beyond his years. When he isn't looking at the broader picture, he is concerned with the day to day doings and habits of each one of us.
My colleague Dick Schwartz, PhD joins me for a conversation about our critical voice. We discuss why we have this inner voice and how we can better understand its motivations.
My particular interest is in the way that dreams show us the patterns which govern the way we relate to others, structure and live our lives, and influence what we believe – what psychotherapy calls our implicit, internal working models.
In this video, I explore Carl Jung's ideas around dream analysis and dream interpretation. Jung was very open and flexible in approaching the mysterious nature of dreams in his psychiatric sessions with patients.
In the fourth video of our "Dreams in psychoanalysis" series, Dr. Leon Brenner discusses the complexity of dream analysis in Freud's famous case of Butcher's witty wife.