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Dr Abram Hoffer MD - Niacin Safety Pt1, No Danger (From Nicotinic Acid) But Must Warn About Flush

By Abram Hoffer — 2017

02:32 min


Supplements to Support Brain and Gut Health with Dr. Will Cole | Goop

Functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole is someone we frequently email for information and likely too-personal dietary advice. Most of it ends up published on goop dot com, in Q&A form.

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Taking These 3 Supplements Daily Can Change Your Life for Good

Following are the top three supplements worth your hard earned money for daily support of your health and wellness: 1. A good multivitamin with minerals   2.Probiotics  3. A supplement high in omega-3 fatty acids

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4 Key Vitamins for Depression And Anxiety: Are You Missing These Vital Nutrients?

In this video we discuss 4 vitamins for depression and anxiety (vitamins good for depression/ vitamin for anxiety). We cover topics such as vitamin d for depression, vitamin d for anxiety, vitamin c for depression, depression and b12 and folate for depression (folate and depression).

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Do Supplements Work? Which Should I Take? - Dr. Anthony Youn

In this video I'll go over the ins and outs of the popular ones that are thought to be anti-aging, so you know which will give you the best bang for your buck!

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Are Multivitamins Really Good for You?

People spend billions of dollars every year trying to boost their health with multivitamins- but are they actually good for you?

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Megavitamin Therapy