11:30 min
Here is video 4/5 talking about the emotion of Hate and Anger, two emotions that can lead you to a dark place. However I had to go through that darkness before I got to acceptance
Going through cancer treatment can be an emotional roller coaster. Psychiatric Oncologist Dr. Wendy Baer gives some tips to keep you moving forward.
In a meeting, Jeff Foster is asked about his spiritual 'quest', and speaks from the heart about his journey from suicidal depression to spiritual awakening. Recorded live, 25th April 2015 in the Netherlands.
A survivor of the Pol Pot's death squads teaches an American to handle depression.
Author and essayist Andrew Solomon has written on a widely divergent range of topics, including Soviet artists, Libyan governance, childrearing, and the politics of the deaf. For this event, his famously obsessive attention focused on the topic of sleep.
Family Action Network (FAN) welcomes back Andrew Solomon, Ph.D., one of the most inspirational and effective speakers in its 32-year history.
What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse - Terri Cole If this video describes your situation, please don’t give up. The first step is to understand that it’s happening.
Does your mother guilt trip you or emotionally blackmail you? Does she act competitively with you or take credit for your talent or accomplishments? These are all behavioral patterns of the narcissistic mother.