06:48 min
In today's busy stress-filled world, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can be a constant struggle. Making the right food choices is not always a priority.
In Mayumi's Kitchen, Mayumi Nishimura, a leading figure in the macrobiotics world and Madonna's private macrobiotic chef, shares her recipes for delicious food that nourishes the body and the soul.
There is more information about nutrition published now than ever before in history and yet there is more confusion. While every creature on the planet seems to know what to eat yet humans seem clueless.
At the forefront of this American revolution in eating since 1969 has been health counselor and teacher Denny Waxman, founder of the Strengthening Health Institute and author of The Great Life Diet, which distills the wisdom of his thirty-five years of experience into a clear guide to a better,...
Speaking to the generation of young women looking to extend their healthy lifestyles beyond yoga and Pilates, macrobiotic chef and instructor Jessica Porter offers fresh, contemporary, and accessible insight into one of the world’s most popular diets that is based on century’s old principles.
A macrobiotic diet is beneficial not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally. Consisting of nuts, grains, vegetables, and other foods that are primarily whole, living, and unprocessed, it combines foods in a way that balances the body’s energies.
The Book of Macrobiotics is a passport to a world of infinite understanding and adventure. It has been read, reread, studied, and treasured by hundreds of thousands of people who seek a clear, comprehesive approach to the problem of living in a world of endless change.
The ultimate guide on how to build and integrate healthy habits into your diet and lifestyle, revealing a more positive, balanced, and invigorating approach to long lasting health.
Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang—the complementary energies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cell of our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat.
When your emotional or mental health feels fragile, nature and its medicines are powerful allies. Herbal Medicine for Emotional Healing is packed with wisdom for employing gentle yet effective plant medicines to support your emotional well-being.