06:48 min
A fun, modern, and irreverent introduction to healing herbs, this field guide to feeling good includes more than 20 plant profiles. Here is an invitation to the wild world of healing plants growing right outside your door.
In our own era of mysterious diseases, the supposition that some plants might cure the human organs they most resemble is surfacing once more.
Connect to the earth and find peace and power with this guide to green witchcraft. Explore ways to put natural magic into practice no matter where you live or who you are.
Newton's Third Law states that with every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In ancient Chinese philosophy, this concept is referred to as Yin and Yang.
The macrobiotic diet, which originated in Japan, emphasizes whole grains (such as brown rice, barley, oats, corn, rye, wheat and buckwheat, which comprise 50 percent of the diet), seasonal vegetables, and, for protein, fish, soy foods and legumes with smaller amounts of sea vegetables, nuts, and...
When I first encountered macrobiotics, I was overcome by most beautiful food and cooking. The essence of eating such pure, whole foods and creating delicious natural flavours felt completely right.
Call it the pursuit of hippieness. Macrobiotics, with its brown rice, beans, sea vegetables, and Asian yin-yang philosophy of finding balance in life for health and vitality, was the original counterculture diet back in the '60s. It's actually been around much longer than that.
The macrobiotic diet is a predominantly vegetarian lifestyle said to enhance health and promote longevity. It's focused on whole grains, legumes, and vegetables.
For most of his life, a Japanese man named George Ohsawa devoted his time to developing and promulgating the concepts of macrobiotic eating, which he believed would lead to a healthier, more balanced life.
Stephen Harrod Buhner is a generalist, a scholar of all things, both human and not. He is best known as a writer, but the interviewer first came to his work through his talks, which take the shape of digressive odysseys led by a relentlessly curious mind.