Hello, Awesome Humans! I'm Nataly Kogan and today, I want to talk to you about how to deal with working parent guilt and how to shift out of it.
10:16 min
Alyson Schafer empowers families by sharing her principles, rules, and tools for raising happy and healthy kids. An internationally acclaimed parenting expert, therapist, and bestselling author, audiences can count on Alyson to transform their lives.
Episode Three: Guilty Or Not Guilty? Psychologist/Theologian John Bradshaw traces human life through eight stages of psychosocial development (based on the works of Erik Erikson) focusing on the ego needs and strengths of each stage.
In this video Mooji is being asked about how to deal with bad/negative memories and guilt.
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When we’re anxious, we’re often so caught up in ‘why’. Why is this happening? Why am I doing this to myself? Why do I always end up here? Guilt, guilt, guilt. Getting stuck in the ‘why’ keeps us from addressing and healing the issue.
Guilt is defined as a “feeling of deserving blame, anger, or shame, often evoked when we consciously hurt others with our words, choices, or actions”.
If your holiday traditions include a guilt trip from your family— you need to watch this. Guilt only works if you allow it to affect you. So the next time your parents are trying to guilt trip you— don’t buy a ticket. Reframe the conversation by calling them out.
Spiritual teacher Iyanla Vanzant says many people confuse guilt (a feeling that you've done something wrong) with shame (a sense that there's something wrong with who you are). Find out why Iyanla says both sentiments are wasted emotions.
Over the years, Oprah has talked to many men and women struggling with the same burden-guilt. Watch as she and relationship expert Iyanla Vanzant look back on lessons learned from divorced parents, working mothers, Dr. Phil and a famous actress who blamed herself for her mother's death.
The bestselling author explains the difference between the two and why the distinction is crucial.