Psychotherapist Helen Morgan talks about her professional journey as a Jungian Analyst.
06:32 min
Ahead of the conference "Jungian Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy: Critical connections - past, present and future" Andrew Samuels talks about therapy, politics and the connections between Jungian Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy.
In this video, I explore Carl Jung's ideas around dream analysis and dream interpretation. Jung was very open and flexible in approaching the mysterious nature of dreams in his psychiatric sessions with patients.
Founding developer, Richard Schwartz, gives an overview of the Internal Family Systems model.
This is a video recording of an interview with Robert A. Johnson, conducted by J. Pittman McGehee in San Diego in 2002.
Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the Mother Complex that is in most western males in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.
A conversation with Jungian analyst James Hollis. “Respect your dreams. Nature doesn’t waste energy. It’s seeking to communicate to us in some way which, if we pay attention, may begin to heal some of the splits that we all carry.” James Hollis, Ph.D.
Joseph Campbell continues exploring C.G. Jung’s idea of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by looking at Jung’s concept of Projection -the way in which we take internal, unconscious images and overlay them onto real-world creatures.
Joseph Campbell continues exploring C.G. Jung’s idea of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by looking at Jung’s concept of the Persona/Personae - the aspects of one’s personality that been shaped from outside, by the society in which one lives.