07:55 min
Along with quick-fix money spells, this timely book explores the consciousness of prosperity and how to transform poverty into abundance through magick, meditation, affirmations, and astrological timing.
Author Christopher Penczak (Gates of Witchcraft and others) presents a modern grimoire for the Morrighan, introducing readers to this fierce Celtic goddess in her many forms and guises, and providing lore, guided meditations, magickal workings, and formularies for your own work with the Morrighan.
What if you could practice magick anytime, without the use of ceremonial spells, altars, or magickal tools? Items such as candles, special ingredients, and exotic symbols are necessary to perform many types of magick, but these items aren't always feasible, attainable, or even available.
Magick and spells: Tools of Will to effect change, tools at your disposal with the lessons and guidelines in this book.
Is it possible to gain spiritual enlightenment even in difficult or threatening situations? What is the nature of evil and the role of seemingly bad things in the universe? In this thorough and thoughtful protection magick handbook, you are urged to take responsibility for your own actions, ask...
Create a balanced, happy love life with the help of this book of practical love magick. Award-winning author Christopher Penczak offers a wealth of magickal workings and wisdom for everything from reclaiming sexual power and arousing passion to banishing ties to an unrequited love relationship.
Explore your Inner Temple―your personal sacred space where there are no boundaries and all things are possible.
As you enter the heart of witchcraft, you find at its core the power of sacred space. In Christopher Penczak's first book, The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, you found the sacred space within yourself.