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Creative Visualization Meditation | Vishen Lakhiani


Creative Visualization is a powerful tool to help you overcome many barriers in life - in particular, healing. Scientists and doctors have even used this miraculous tool to accelerate healing in their patients. In their profession, they refer to the concept as “imagery therapy. See more...

08:44 min


Life Changing Creative Visualization

If you feel you are struggling or feel stuck, creative visualization can be life-changing for you. There is a three-step process that I describe in the video and then guide you through a visualization. Visualization is using your imagination to create what you want.

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The Power of Creative Visualization | Vishen Lakhiani

When you look ahead at your life, do you foresee futuristic changes? Or do you draw a blank? In this motivational video, Mindvalley CEO Vishen Lakhiani, informs us when you combine visualization meditation with guided visualization, you can see the future and determine your purpose of life.

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Shakti Gawain: Working with Creative Imagery (Excerpt)

The images we visualize serve as blueprints for events that manifest in our lives.

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Discover Your Own Mystical Powers for Self Healing | This Literally Works with Anything!

What if by using such a powerful energy healing you could heal yourself from any physical or emotional pain and get rid of it forever.

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The Healing Journey and Buddhist Philosophy with Yung Pueblo

In this interview, Sheleana Aiyana of sits down with Diego, who writes under the pen name Yung Pueblo which means "Young People" to talk about the healing journey, overcoming anxiety, Buddhist philosophy, and Conscious Relationship.

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Practice Visualization: Achieve Your Best Performance

Practice visualization exercises and continually feed your mind with clear, exciting, emotional pictures. Set your goals high, remember the law of attraction and that your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

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Using Binaural Beats for Visualization and Reprograming the Subconscious Mind

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'll be sharing with you how to use binaural beats for the manifestation process.

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What Oprah Knows for Sure About Getting What You Want

Oprah knows for sure that you don't always become what you want, and most times in life, you don't get what you want. Watch Oprah explain how no matter what obstacles get in your way, a little bit of faith-sometimes as small as a mustard seed-can get you through.

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How to Bring Abundance into Your Life | a New Earth | Oprah Winfrey Network

To bring more abundance into your life, Oprah and Eckhart discuss an exercise that anyone can start doing today. Eckhart says that whatever it is you think someone is withholding from you be it praise, appreciation, love, practice giving it to that other person.

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How Energy Medicine Can Heal and Revitalize Your Health | Donna Eden

In this video, Donna Eden and David Feinstein share how using the energies of your body can bring on more vitality and energy than you ever knew was possible.

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