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David Eagleman: Hits and Misses—How Neuroscience Can Boost Your Creativity

By David Eagleman — 2018

"All ideas have a genealogy," says David Eagleman. A writer, neuroscientist, and adjunct professor at Stanford University, he's definitely clued in to what makes ideas click. See more...

05:24 min


Catch the Wave—Ultrasonic Neuromodulation and Higher States of Consciousness | Dr. Jay Sanguinetti

Jay Sanguinetti, PhD is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico where he directs the NICE Lab (Non-Invasive Cognitive Enhancement Lab).

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The Science of a Happy Mind, Part 1 | Nat Geo Live

Renowned neuroscientist Richard Davidson is finding that happiness is something we can cultivate and a skill that can be learned. Working with the Dalai Lama, Davidson is investigating the far-reaching impact of mindfulness, meditation, and the cultivation of kindness on human health and well-being.

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