Self-care demystified; learning to believe that you are enough and to treat yourself that way.
12:23 min
Spoken word meet social critique in this power piece exploring the cyclical nature of mental health challenges within the black community.
This story was produced by Maria Ruiz and Christopher Sarenana at Daniel Pearl Magnet High School in Lake Balboa, California.
Maintain traditional self-care during these challenging times. Continue to wear your mask, continue to physical distance. #itsnotover #selfcare #navajotradition
Anthony Johnson is a social entrepreneur living in NYC and Arizona. In the video, Anthony talks about the importance of being open about mental health in an indigenous community, self care, and the power of shared story.
Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Alicia Garza had to say!
Lama Rod Owens asks the question, "What is required of you to liberate yourself from your suffering? How do I restore myself so I can do liberation work and engage with community?" Authentic liberation looks different for everyone.
Let’s hear how revolutionary artist and activist Terence Nance takes care of himself in these chaotic times.
It’s Radical Self-Care Week here at AFROPUNK. Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Angela Davis had to say.