35:24 min
Alex Grey describes his very memorable first experience with the psychedelic DMT, as well as several subsequent experiences, and how they influenced his art. From the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt asks a simple, but difficult question: why do we search for self-transcendence? Why do we attempt to lose ourselves? In a tour through the science of evolution by group selection, he proposes a provocative answer.
In this scene from HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA, Hamilton meets with LSD World Peace, an artist who depicts DMT space in his work.
Mark Haden is the executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Canada as well as an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia School of Public and Population Health.
Bestselling author Tim Ferriss (Tools of Titans, The 4-Hour Workweek, etc.) probes the science, mysteries, and future of psychedelics with Dr. Roland R. Griffiths, a clinical pharmacologist at Johns Hopkins. Dr.
We’re taught to believe that hard work and dedication will lead to success, but that’s not always the case.
CRAZYWISE Conversations: Nils von Heijne – Understanding My Transcendent Experience Nils is a Swedish entrepreneur and coach who I met at the Guardian of Life Conference near Stockholm, Sweden.
Our time with a curendera in the small town of Huautla de Jimenez, Oaxaca, Mexico. Mushroom healer from the Mazatec tradition. We also visit the home and family of Maria Sabina.
Video captured by citizens and activists can be instrumental in drawing attention to human rights abuses, calling for investigations and advocating for change. But many filmers want their videos to do more: they want their footage to expose abuse and help bring about justice.