49:03 min
Everything you need to know is here - The Sabbats, Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle, The Complete Book of Shadows, The Great Rite, Initiation Rites, Consecration Rites, Spells, Witches' Tools, Witchcraft & Sex, Running a Coven, Clairvoyance, and Astral Projection.
Margot Adler has been a priestess of Wicca for 19 years, and is the author of Drawing Down the Moon. She lectures and gives workshops on the Craft and women’s spirituality throughout the country. In her “parallel” life, she is a correspondent for National Public Radio.
Modern pagans are heirs to a rich confluence of traditions from numerous pioneers in the realms of Spirit who have passed beyond the Veil. Ancestors of the Craft honors these ancestors, some widely known, others obscure, but no less deserving.
Almost thirty years since its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed history of the burgeoning but still widely misunderstood Neo- Pagan subculture.
From Abracadabra to Aleister Crowley to Gardnerian Witchcraft to Rosemary's Baby to sorcery and Zoroaster, The Witch Book by the late, great Raymond Buckland is unmatched in its coverage of witchcraft’s historical, practical, and cultural aspects. A student of the late Wicca pioneer Dr.
Change your life with this enchantingly easy beginner’s spell book. We all have magic inside of us. It allows us to connect with the natural world and invite new opportunities into our lives.
The Bucklands make no bones about the fact that they are witches—good witches, that is.
Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone have skillfully put together a guide which grants the reader the capability to learn in ways never before possible, they have created a powerful tool that embraces and opens new doors to Progressive Witchcraft for all who wish to enter.
Build the foundation of a strong magickal practice, walking both the path of the solitary practitioner on the sorcerous road, and near to others in community, upon their own roads, for we embrace the paradox that a Witch is never alone, yet is always alone.
Scott Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature.