49:03 min
Keri Gray, founder and CEO of the Keri Gray Group, advises young professionals, businesses, and organizations on issues around disability, race, gender, and intersectionality. Keri illustrates how the framework of intersectionality is essential to true inclusion.
The dynamic duo of Jumoke and Kym tackle the topic of empowerment and what that means for disabled, Black women.
Work brings meaning, self-worth and empowerment to people with disabilities
In this video Emma speaks about her goals, aspirations and what empowerment means from her perspective. Emma works across the UK delivering training, consultancy and mentoring services to individuals and organisations who want to work more effectively with people with disabilities.
In her talk, Heather discusses empowering disability identity and reframing disability as a social construct. She explores, through personal stories, how discussing disability and practicing 'uncovering' can lead to a new societal understanding of disability.
Discussing what I think are the 5 biggest challenges that disabled people face in developing a healthy/positive body image and how I tackle them.