Conversation with Robin Trimingham Editor of Olderhoo and Shola Arewa wellness expert
06:02 min
A labor of love. This features celebrities and children sharing I am peace, and I am om shanti as this births a movement of peace.
Farmers Davon Goodwin of Laurinburg, N.C. and Charley Jordan of Indian Mound, Tenn., share how farming gives them peace and purpose in their civilian lives.
Harmony is our most natural and desired form of existence. This episode looks at how we each have the power to restore our health and the health of the world through choosing to live in harmony with everything around us.
Neale will share his personal process of getting up from the abyss of unemployment and despairs, growing into a successful writer and a happy man.Improve areas of your health, money, relationships, and much more - with the help of Neale Donald Walsch.
In this special Open Gate Sangha broadcast, Adyashanti and Mukti introduce our new Peace Room Project and its intentions. Together, they explore their shared commitment to bring forth teachings on the lived experience of being an embodiment of peace in the world.
Good Life Project founder Jonathan Fields interviews New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Crazy, Sexy movement, Kris Carr.
Preethaji is an enlightened world teacher whose vision is to free individuals of all forms of unhappiness. Preethaji's teachings challenge every justification for living in sorrow and inner isolation or unconscious psychological conformity.
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How do you go from intellectual understanding to a direct realization of your true nature? Although there is no predictable process to bring about realization, Adyashanti describes what you can do to ground your understanding in silence.
What is the moment calling forth in you? What kind of response is life calling forth in you? Adyashanti explores the interplay between finding an inner resource of peace within and expecting the world to conform to your ideas of peace.