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Thomas Amelio

By Thomas Amelio — 2020

04:51 min

The Complete Book of Chakra Healing: Activate the Transformative Power of Your Energy Centers

Cyndi Dale's New Chakra Healing established a new standard for healers, intuitives, and energy workers worldwide. It expanded the seven-chakra system to thirty-two, including twenty spiritual points serving as catalysts for dynamic change.

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The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent Is Changing Medicine

The Resonance Effect is both the author's story of her inspirational journey of having the courage to find her true calling and an account of the development of a remarkable newly rediscovered treatment, frequency specific microcurrent (FSM), that takes advantage of the body's ability to respond to...

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A Healer Cleansed My Aura and Chakras. It Was as Odd as It Sounds.

My comfort zone left the building for this one.

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Honoring Our Life Force: Energy Medicine Helps Restore Balance and Harmony

In William James’ famous hypothesis, “A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.

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How Donna Eden Is Making People Healthier with Energy Medicine

Donna Eden is one of the most well-known and successful Energy Healers of our time. For nearly four decades she has been teaching over 100,000 people—both professionals and laypeople—how to work with their body’s energy systems to reclaim their health and vitality.

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Turning Point Q&A with Donna Eden

Describe what you do in 15 words or less. I teach people about their energies and how to work with them to enhance health and vitality.

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Energy Medicine: The Last Great Frontier

Energy medicine is a complete system for self-care that can provide amazing results, explains Donna Eden, author of the best-selling book Energy Medicine.

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How I Learned to Harness My Gift of Seeing Energy to Help People Heal Themselves

Simple chakra and tapping practices can help heal the body, build vitality, relieve stress and anxiety, and boost confidence.

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Opening to Spirit: Contacting the Healing Power of the Chakras and Honouring African Spirituality

The chakras are wheels of energy inside the body. This ancient system is often thought to have emerged from the yogic traditions of India, but in Opening to Spirit, Caroline Shola Arewa explores the importance of the chakras to the ancient Africans and Egyptians.

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Chakra Workbook: Rebalance Your Body's Vital Energies

When our chakras—the spinning wheels of energy in the body’s aura—are in harmony, we feel vital and energetic. But when they become unbalanced, we quickly become tired and out of sorts.

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