Hank Wesselman discusses soul retrieval and the different symptoms of soul loss.
02:44 min
“One of his passions was to be by the ocean. He also loved being a police officer. He loved watching cop shows ever since he was a little kid. My dad was a 27-year veteran of the Elizabeth Police Department in New Jersey. He was diagnosed with lung cancer, stage four.
What is depression, what are the signs of it? What are the causes of depression during cancer? What are the best ways to cope with it? In this video, Dr. Jennifer Griggs interviews guest Rosie Ingebritson, LMSW about how to cope with depression during cancer.
Some cancers have a particular effect on emotions: some brain tumors, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer tend to be the most debilitating emotionally. Patients with those types of cancer often have more difficulty with depression and anxiety than patients with other types of cancer.
Going through cancer treatment can be an emotional roller coaster. Psychiatric Oncologist Dr. Wendy Baer gives some tips to keep you moving forward.
A survivor of the Pol Pot's death squads teaches an American to handle depression.
Author and essayist Andrew Solomon has written on a widely divergent range of topics, including Soviet artists, Libyan governance, childrearing, and the politics of the deaf. For this event, his famously obsessive attention focused on the topic of sleep.
Family Action Network (FAN) welcomes back Andrew Solomon, Ph.D., one of the most inspirational and effective speakers in its 32-year history.
Dr. Hallowell shares how mental illness affected his family and why stigma is the biggest obstacle to people getting the help they need.
Olympic rower Hannah Osborne is among 20 hoping to help others.