02:31 min
The official yoga program of the New York Road Runners club, Power Yoga is a unique combination of dynamic breathing and strong, flowing movement, which creates a high-heat, high-energy workout.
This is the most "User-Friendly" yoga book available! It contains the entire Primary and Intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga with three options for every asana. Spiral bound to easily remain open while practicing, it contains over 650 photos with clear instructions and commentary.
I have just had a child and am receiving mixed reports as to when I can go back to my Ashtanga practice, which I was doing regularly right up to giving birth, with modification for my swelling belly.
There are so many different types of yoga out there, whether you want a more physically demanding class or an easy, relaxing, meditative class.
Whether you're a social yogi or way too stressed, there's a yoga class calling your name.
Ashtanga yoga translates to Eight-Limbed Yoga, which refers to the eight spiritual practices outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra.
As an Ashtanga yoga teacher, I know firsthand what a bad reputation my preferred style of yoga gets.
Kino McGregor talks to YogaJournal.com about Ashtanga yoga and about her new book.
Ashtanga (also spelled Astanga) means "eight limbs" in Sanskrit, which refers to the eight limbs of yoga laid out in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Tim Miller gives us his clear, firsthand view of Pattabhi Jois’s philosophy, practices, and teaching style, and the connection of the practices to Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga (8 limbs of yoga) in the Yoga Sutra.