How did you feel before and after the meditation? Did you try it? How did you get on?
13:51 min
A beautiful interview with Ruth Denison created by Ann Hershey and Carol Osmer-Newhoue in 1995.
If you are beginning your meditative journey, Buddhist teacher and meditation master Mingyur Rinpoche provides simple guidance on how to connect with and develop awareness to get you started.
This is a 26 minute clip of a 30 minute whole.The full documentary was produced by Uplift TV.
This guided meditation from Yael Shy, founder and director of MindfulNYU, will help moms and dads cultivate self-compassion so they can be kinder and gentler with themselves.
Over the coming weeks on A Lust for Life our intention is to get as many of you as possible meditating every day, helping you to establish a daily practice. We are hugely passionate about helping you to learn to meditate because we know from personal experience that the benefits are life changing.
Shinzen talks about the technique he calls "do nothing", which is associated with what other traditions call choiceless awareness, just sitting, the great perfection (dzogchen), and mahamudra. Shinzen's instructions for how to do this is: "Let whatever happens happen.
Elizabeth Lesser, cofounder of Omega Institute & the Omega Women's Leadership Center, demonstrates a simple but powerful hand gesture to add to meditation practices.
Is there a best time of day to meditate? How much time do you need to meditate each day?